
We are closing a long and very challenging year. 

I bet you too have a million things to review, to reconsider. We all need to recharge and re-bounce. 

But what is next year going to bring? 

Nobody really knows. 

Even once the pandemic finally slows down and stops, and life returns to normal, it will be different.  

What’s the new normal? How to succeed in it? 

So many questions.  No answers.

But there are a few things, that always help us, in all circumstances.

I want to give you 5 do’s and 5 don’ts, that will always help to thrive, to succeed, no matter what. 

My 5 tips to do (more of): 

  1. Focus on the important things – remember that story with the professor, who filled the jar first with sand, and then there was no place for the stones? And then he started with the bigger stones, then the pebbles and then the sand – and they all fit perfectly in the jar? Focus on the important things first, and there’ll still be enough room for the “sand”. 

  2. Take time to recharge and relax – we can’t control what happens to us, but we can control how we react to it. Find what gives you joy, what recharges you and do more of that. That’s the cradle of creativity, inspiration and your continued performance towards your goals.

  3. Be grateful - in hard times we tend to forget about all the great people, things that surround us, as well as our own core strength. Count your blessings, see how your life is filled with wonderful things. 

  4. Believe in yourself – how can you convince anyone to believe in your, if you don’t believe in yourself? Look at all what you have, what you’ve achieved. You have endless power. Go, create! 

  5. Invest in yourself – invest time, energy and money for your lifelong learning. Becoming a better person, a better expert in what you do is the path to success. Investing in yourself are best investments ever.

In order to make space for more of the “Do’s”, drop a few unhelpful habits. Here are the top 5 things to drop:

  1. Relationships and people who don’t care about you - the least you spend your energy on them, the more energy you’ll have left for yourself and for the ones who are truly important. 

  2. Your age - it is what it is and you can’t change it. Be grateful and happy that you lived that long. (especially with the pandemic). You are never too old to start anything new if you truly want to do it. All you might need is to adjust your toolbox. 

  3. The past – what is gone is gone. If something bothers you, try to make amends, take the consequences, consider your learning. And the drop it. It’s gone. Focus on the now and on your goals.

  4. Comparing yourself to others - it’s your path, your life, your learning curve. Your uniqueness. It doesn’t matter, where others are in their careers, their lives, their wealth or prosperity right now. What matters is where you coming from and what you’ve achieved. Be proud of your achievements, the path you’ve walked, the learnings you had. What’s your goal? What’s the next step?

  5. What others think of you. It.Doesn’t.Matter. Really. Studies show, 98% of the people have absolutely no idea about who you really are. They are too busy worrying about what others think about them. Just drop it. You’ll never make everybody happy. Make yourself happy. 


All that’s left for me now is to thank you for your continued support and for following my work. 

I want to wish you, from the bottom of my heart, a very happy New Year in health, joy, love and prosperity! 

See you in 2021! 

