Discover your inner dreams , unleash your hidden potential,
and empower yourself
for your new, purpose-filled life!
Are you contemplating a career change, where you have more flexibility in your work, while doing what you love, have the time to play and live where you want?
You are in the prime of your career and want to map out your next career steps?
Or do you day-dream about ditching the entire corporate world and starting your own business, fuelled by your passion or expertise in a certain area?
What is Your vision of true success and quality life?
…and what is holding you back to live it?
Do you lack the confidence to dive in?
Not sure what is it you really want?
Are you struggling with setting new goals?
Don’t know what are your real strengths and talents?
Or where to start?
You are not alone! ☀️
Want to change your life to the better in just a few hours?
I have developed a unique tool, that is fun, non-invasive and super efficient to help you discover your innermost dreams , unleash your hidden talents and strengths, boost your confidence and define the next chapter of your life.
A creative and in-depth “Work Life Mastermind Day” - a full day of fun, coaching and exploration, supported by the innovative LegoSeriousPlay method.
I can guarantee you’ll:
get inspired and supported
know exactly what you want
be clear about your talents and strengths
know what resources you have for it
feel empowered and confident to start immediately
Who is it for?
Either you are looking for a new job, changing careers or you contemplate starting your own business to become an entrepreneur…
… this Mastermind Day is for you, to get insight of your hidden desires, unlock unused talents and set your goals while “playing seriously”.
You will overcome your inner blocks and
explore new ideas and solutions, you never thought of before.
Why is this different?
The secret why this workshop and the method does the magic:
Psychology studies have shown, that our hands are 80% connected to our subconscious brain. So while playing with the bricks, your creative brain is activated.
You know a lot more than what you consciously know. With the help of the bricks and the expert guiding questions, you’ll have a deeper insight into your own hidden knowledge and have better access to your creative problem-solving genius.
You just play and build, but actually you do think, design and work hard. During this “serious play”, all of these talents, dreams, goals are discovered
You’ll be positively surprised by the power of your own creativity and you new ideas.
What happens during the Mastermind Day?
It is a full day that you spend in an inspiring, supporting and fun environment.
You’ll work through a guided deep-coaching flow
You will use your imagination and creativity
As we are going more and more into the subject, the more insights you will get
It’s all fully confidential and safe. What gets discussed in the room, remains in the room.
Lots of fun, work and play, with inspiration, energy and amazing results. You’ll be surprised!
How would the day look like?
Here’s a draft outline of the day, which we can adjust to your schedule as well as may be shorter or longer, based on your goal and complexity of challenges
9:30 - 12:00 morning session with a short break in-between
12:00 - 12:45 lunch break
12:45 - 15:00 afternoon session with a short break in-between
15:00 - 15:30 summary of the day
What are the results?
By the end of the day’s workshop you’ll feel energized, inspired, motivated and unstoppable towards your new goals.
You will be crystal clear about your
direction, and next steps to take with boosted confidence
deepest life-desires and main drivers in your life
biggest strengths you have
major blocks that prevent you
hidden talents and unique powers
You will know exactly what you want, how to get it and what your next steps will be.
You’ll be fully motivated and feel powerful to take action immediately,
so you’ll get closer to your dreams than ever before.
A proven methodology with real results.
What’s the investment?
I honestly could say it’s priceless…. but let’s get serious.
How much is it worth for you to:
…be clear about your real talents
…get your job-mojo back
…boost your confidence
…define a new direction,
…set new goals and
…find the way to reach it
…feel empowered to live the quality life you want?
It’s an investment of your time, energy and resources in yourself and in your future.
Program fee ranging from CHF 1,500.- to 2,500.- depending on duration, complexity and location
Insterested? Let’s talk!
Click this line and book a call with me to discuss if this is the right program for you.
What previous participants say
“If you only would need 5 hours to change your life to the better - Would you do it?"
Two days ago, I had a fantastic "Work-Life-Strategy Mastermind Day" with Eva Bottai.
As I came to her, everything felt heavy, I was confused, desoriented because of my past experiances and I blocked myself!
Within only 5 hours, Eva helped me:
to change some viewpoints to the positive
removed inner blockages
healed past hurts
helped me to remind myself of my super powers
brougth lightness back!
figured out with me "what realy matters" for me
created a complete plan, how to get there!
got me back in to the "flow"!!!
And this is even only a small part - as it happenend so much more!
All with her loving, kind, careful, trustful manner in a light playful, joyful environment. I was so pretty sceptical...because, I had to create without using my mind....that's always a thougth one for me! But she guided me there!
Wanna change your life to the better? Try it! You have really nothing to loose!” (Maren B., Zürich)
“I’ve been working on my strengths, ideal job and future goals in the past 6 months already, before going this workshop, but I wanted to try it and see what additional insights it would bring me.
I was surprised, how many new ideas I gained regarding further career options and how much more confident and motivated I felt at the end of the workshop. Highly recommended!” (Magda Z., Zürich)
“I found it fantastic, that while I thought I was just playing, I could go real deep inside and had amazing revelations. I only recognized this when I looked at my notes: lots of new insights with exclamation marks!
Many unanswered questions were answered and I was surprised how clearly I could suddenly see a new opportunity for my future career. It fascinated me, that despite its lightness and playfulness it gave me so many deep and serious thoughts and new ideas.
I can highly recommend to anyone curious, seeking their road or just want to try it for fun - there will be big surprises, that’s guaranteed!” (Reka H. Zürich)
“Super enthusiastic and motivated; time, effort and investment are completely justified and for you it is “job well done”.
Thank you for the excellent guidance and your professionalism.” (Joanna S., Zürich)
Need more info?
Questions asked and answered…
Q: - Who is it for?
A: - Anyone, who feels stuck in career, is overwhelmed, or is in a phase of re-orientation. Anyone who wants to do meaningful and fulfilling work, and to live a quality life with prosperity and joy. Anyone, who is open to new ideas, is curious, likes fun and play and is ready to invest into their future.
Q: - My kids have plenty of LEGOs at home, I can just play with those, too...
A: - Sure you can play! Just don’t expect any of the great results that this workshop will give you. My workshop is based on the combination of my strategic coaching techniques and a scientific method, developed by LEGO itself in close co-operation with psychologists at IMD, University in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Q: - I’ve never played with LEGOs before...
A: - That shall not hold you back at all! You’ll do just great, believe me! I’ve had many clients who never played with LEGOs before, and still they had a great session with amazing results. They even wanted to keep some of the bricks :)
Q: - I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and researching already. Why would this “Mastermind Day” be different?
A: - Through this unique combination of coaching and playing, your brain works completely differently; you are activating creative thinking and you work towards your goals while actually having fun. Basically, you tiptoe around your usual patterns and therefore get totally new ideas.
Q: - What’s included in the price?
A: - In the price everything is included. Full day of guided coaching at a convenient location, all LEGO bricks, morning coffee, gipfeli, a light lunch and apéro.
Q: - What’s the size of the Mastermind Group?
A: - It’s exclusive, only for a small group of 4 - 8 participants. If there are less then 4, the event will be re-scheduled. If there are more than 8, it’s on “first come, first served” basis. The first 8 will participate, and the other applicants will be offered the next available date. A refund is offered if no new date is not agreed upon.
Q: - Is it refundable?
A: - The program is pre-paid. You can cancel 7 days prior to start and then you’ll be offered a new date. In case of cancellation within less than 7 days it counts as taken. If a serious issue arises, write an email to, and we’ll discuss it on an individiual basis. There’s no refund after participating in the Mastermind Day.
What are you waiting for?
If you’ve read so far, you know you want it. I also know, you need it.
It would be a big mistake to miss it!
Do you want to continue dreaming and nothing happens or are you finally ready to take action and start your real life?
Life will never be the same as before. You need to do things differently in these uncertain times, 2022 and beyond.
Let’s discuss, if it’s the right program for you and how this Strategy Mastermind Day will help you setting and achieving your goals.
Book your free call below!